SURVIVEiT Mourns Death of Founder and Former CEO Matt J. Ellefson

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December 5, 2018
SURVIVEiT Mourns Death of Founder and Former CEO Matt J. Ellefson
SIOUX FALLS, SD. (Dec. 5, 2018) – Cancer warrior and advocate, Matt J. Ellefson, who founded SURVIVEiT® in 2013, died peacefully on Thursday, November 29, 2018.
“Matt Ellefson was the epitome of what it means to live a purpose-driven life. His work, words, and living example have impacted thousands of people across the world. He has left two lasting legacies: His family and SURVIVEiT.”
His wife, Melissa Ellefson, writes, “A fighter in every sense of the word, Matt faced his cancer diagnosis head-on, with strength, faith, focus, and fearlessness. Matt’s cancer diagnosis created an opportunity for him to become the man he was born to be. He was a fearless innovator and advocate, shepherd and faithful servant, and just simply the most inspirational guy we knew.”
While we mourn the loss of a wonderful man and leader, we celebrate his ultimate victory. Matt faced cancer on his terms and left this world with total peace.
Joy Brewster Rusthoven was named Executive Director of SURVIVEiT in November, and will lead the organization to further the mission of SURVIVEiT.
“We have truly seen the broad impact of Matt’s life over the past few weeks. What an inspiration he has been to those with, and without, cancer. People from all over the world are reaching out to tell stories of how he touched their lives. It is wonderful and it is motivating to all of us at SURVIVEiT to keep his legacy alive through the critical work we’re doing here.”
His contributions will always be remembered as the organization continues to build upon his vision to create a world free from the fear of cancer.
In lieu of sending flowers and gifts, the family has asked donations be directed to SURVIVEiT.
Matt J. Ellefson’s obituary can be found here.
About the organization: SURVIVEiT’s vision is a world free from the fear of cancer. SURVIVEiT is committed to empowering anyone affected by cancer with the knowledge they need to face cancer fearlessly. We are survivors helping patients.