SURVIVEiT® – How Can You Encourage Others to Support?

In our first blog post, we spoke about how you as an individual can help support SURVIVEiT and our vision that everyone deserves access to the very best in cancer care.
We mentioned becoming an advocate and encouraging others to donate. We understand it can be awkward for some to ask friends and family, or unsure of what to write/say to your employer when asking about their gift-matching policy.
We want to make it easier for you – so here are a few ways you can encourage others to donate and how you can do it.
1. Remember WHY and WHAT you’re doing it for.
Maybe you’re facing cancer right now or you’re a devoted caregiver. Maybe you’ve lost someone to cancer and you want to do something to honor them. Maybe your coworker was just diagnosed. Whatever the case, just remember that your desire help us create a world free from the cancer will directly impact those facing cancer TODAY. 🙂
2. Get active on social media (Like, Share, Retweet, & Repost!)
Everyone seems to be on social media now and it’s usually the main source of information for them. You can easily get a conversation started or let people know about Giving Week and SURVIVEiT by sharing our social media posts. (insert social links) it’s a simple click and you’re done. Whether it’s on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, we’re posting regularly and you can too. If you choose to post about SURVIVEiT and Giving Week, feel free to use #SURVIVEiT #GivingWeek #FearlessWithCancer
3. Fundraise
Even if you aren’t a social butterfly, I bet you’re well connected. Sending out a short email letting your network know that you’ve donated and are invested in the success of our revolutionary tool helps them get interested too. Here’s a rough outline of something you could send. Of course, you can tailor it however you like.
Hello friends, today is an exciting day for me. I’m joining SURVIVEiT in their efforts to create a world free from the fear of cancer by developing a new, revolutionary tool for anyone facing any type of cancer! It’s pretty remarkable.
I’ve decided to fundraise for SURVIVEiT because ______.
Please visit the campaign page (link) to hear more about the tool they’re developing and actually get a preview of what it will look and feel like. We need your help to get this into the hands of those who desperately need it. Please consider donating today!
4. Talk to your employer
Almost 65% of Fortune 500 companies offer gift-matching programs. Programs like this can quickly and easily double donations without added effort on your part. Ask HR if your company offers this and spread the word to take advantage of it (It’s usually a quick, painless form you need to fill out.).
If your company doesn’t offer anything like this, here’s a rough outline of what you can send when asking them to start one.
Subject: Starting a donation matching program to change how we face cancer
Hello _____,
Today is an exciting day for me. I’m joining SURVIVEiT in their efforts to create a world free from the fear of cancer by developing a new, revolutionary tool for anyone facing any type of cancer! It’s pretty remarkable.
I’ve decided to fundraise for SURVIVEiT because ______.
I noticed that (company name) doesn’t currently have a program in place for matching donations and I hope that we could implement one so, together, we can better raise awareness of this great cause and others like it.
Please visit the campaign page (link) to learn more about the tool SURVIVEiT is developing and actually get a preview of what it will look and feel like.
Thank you sincerely,
(Your name)
Hopefully, with this list and the links at your disposal, you’ll be able to raise awareness and help further support those who need this tool in their battle with cancer. Every bit of effort is appreciated and, together, we can give cancer patients and caregivers more control over their cancer journey.
What role will you play in bringing this revolutionary tool to life?
Please check out our Donate Page for ways to support.