How To Thank Your Doctor Or Nurse | Thank You Card Downloads

Our oncologist and medical team work so hard. We see it first hand. Most of our doctors and nurses are overworked by way of seeing more patients than they should, and in many cases, the workload can take a mental and emotional toll on the medical professionals. Learn more about the signs of medical burnout for physicians and what it means for your healthcare.
The members of our Medical Advisory Council and Committee have shared just how special it is when a patient shows their appreciation; it can add extra fuel to their tank on a busy day.
Write a Thank You Note
Before your next appointment, consider writing a thank you note to your doctor and/or nurse. Can’t find the words to show how thankful you are? Use this text to get started.
Dear Dr. _____,
I want to thank you for your tremendous care for me while I face cancer. You have made a huge difference in my life and have made this process more bearable because of your ________, __________, and ________.
I hope you know how important the work you do is and how much your patients appreciate you – whether we take the time to tell you or not.
Please keep up the great work, knowing you are making a difference in the lives of people like me.
Thank You Cards
Feel free to download and print these thank you cards we designed just for you.