7 Changes To Make To Your Living Room During Cancer Treatment

Going through cancer treatment can be a challenging time. To help ease the process and side effects, we’ve put together a list of changes to make to your living room. Whether you’re preparing your own home, or looking for a way to support a friend or loved one, here are some changes to make to the living room during cancer treatment.
Things to Remove From the Living Room
- Remove uncomfortable seating options. Life is too short to sit in uncomfortable chairs! Sometimes we can experience back pain, muscle discomfort and aches with treatment. You can donate or sell any items that are uncomfortable and trade up for a comfortable sofa instead. However, if you do not wish to sell or give away your excess furniture, you always have the option of getting in touch with a storage facility company who would be able to lease out allotted spaces to securely keep your belongings (here, furniture). There tend to be many agencies who tend to provide facilities similar to Lynchburg storage units, so it would be ideal if you got in touch with them beforehand.
- Remove clutter. Your environment plays a big role in determining your mood and having clutter around can have an impact on your mental health. Its presence can add more stress, anxiety and depression to your life at a time when you really don’t need it. In fact, studies have shown that clutter can lead to increased levels of cortisol, a stress hormone. So take some time to clear the living room (shelves or any areas that have excess items) and get rid of any unnecessary objects.
- Remove room-darkening window coverings. Indirect sunlight and brighter spaces can boost our moods. Consider making your living room a place where you go when you want to be more alert, yet relaxed.
- Remove strong-scented candles, incense, or wall plug-ins. These fragrant items can be sources for increased nausea. Try more subtle, natural room refreshing scents instead.
Things to Add To the Living Room
- Add comfortable seating and lounging items. Your living room should be a comfortable space for you to relax and enjoy tea, conversation with friends, reading, or watching television. Treat yourself (or your loved one) to a comfortable chair or sofa. You can also try decorating the lounge area with silver tableware you can get from antique silver dealers in your area. Adding such accessories might be able to enhance the aesthetics of your seating area. Similarly, if you are looking for a cost-effective way to replace furniture, try websites like Craigslist or Nextdoor. It can also be a great gift idea for family and friends who want to do something nice for you!
- Add lighter-colored drapes. Allowing more indirect sunlight to join you in your living room can have a number of benefits. “Light is essential for our health and wellbeing. ensuring that we received adequate levels at the appropriate times of day benefits our alertness, mood, productivity, sleep pattern and many aspects of our physiology” – Dr. Victoria Revell, rtor.org.
- Add photos and art that bring you joy. Update photos or move art around. Painting and framing new photos is a fun activity that is sure to life your spirits! You can check out websites like https://nichecanvas.com/collections/five-panels for wall arts.