6 Ways You Can Support SURVIVEiT® | End of Year Giving

‘Tis the season…to give! We’re all busy giving gifts to friends, family and colleagues. It’s fun to do – especially if your love language is gift giving!
There’s another way to give. This particular way is a bit more intangible, but it has the ability to change, or even save, someone’s life.
As a 501(c)3 registered nonprofit, we rely on monetary donations to fund our work to create a world free from the fear of cancer.
We kindly ask that you consider financially supporting SURVIVEiT® as we work to fund the development of our new, revolutionary tool. We’ve summarized the many ways to support SURVIVEiT® below.
- A recurring monthly donation.
- One-time donation.
- Purchase an item from our shop to show your support or send a survivor-approved item from our shop to someone facing cancer.
- Buy a half or full case of ONEHOPE Wine. 10% of the proceeds goes to SURVIVEiT®.
- Ask your employer if they take charity nominations for year-end contributions (if so, our EIN is 46-3365665 and our mailing address is PO Box 202187 Denver, CO 80220) – OR if they will match your 2020 donation(s).
- If you have access to an individual or an employer who might be interested in making a significant contribution, please email [email protected] and we can discuss the best course for an introduction.
Donations made before December 31, 2020 are applicable for your 2020 tax return.
Are you a business owner?
It’s not too late to make a financial contribution to claim on your 2020 taxes. Email [email protected] if you are interested and need additional information.