10 Tips For Cancer Caregivers | National Family Caregiver Month

November is National Family Caregiver Month, recognizing those who offer care and support to their loved ones. Caregivers play such an important role in a cancer patient’s experience. Often a cancer caregiver provides both physical and mental support.
We want to recognize and thank all the caregivers who change their priorities, take on additional tasks in their already busy lives, and really step up to be there and support their loved one.
If you are a family caregiver or have been one in the past, thank you. If you would like to share your experience to help other cancer caregivers, we’re looking for caregivers to join our SURVIVOR Advisory groups. If you’re interested in joining, please email us [email protected].
As a caregiver, you have a lot on your plate. Here are some tips to help you in your role.
10 Tips for Family Caregivers
Source: caregiveraction.org
Seek support from other caregivers. You are not alone!
Take care of your own health so that you can be strong enough to take care of your loved one.
Accept offers of help and suggest specific things people can do to help you.
Learn how to communicate effectively with doctors.
Caregiving is hard work so take respite breaks often.
Watch out for signs of depression and don’t delay getting professional help when you need it.
Be open to new technologies that can help you care for your loved one.
Organize medical information so it’s up to date and easy to find.
Make sure legal documents are in order.
Give yourself credit for doing the best you can in one of the toughest jobs there is!
Cancer Caregiver Resources
The SURVIVEiT Resource Library has a number of helpful resources for many tumor types. But it also contains resources to support caregivers.
Find caregiver resources such as 10 ways to support a friend with cancer, setting up a meal train delivery calendar and more.